Egil Kraggerud






*: transmission defended


••: not published before


•: partly new or changed


(floral heart): author’s original conjecture


(white florette): past conjecture by another defended by me


















1 • Epod. 1. Exemplifying Challenges in Editing Horace


2 ••Epod. 2. Sorting out Conjectures


3 Epod. 5. 87f. The Cruelty of Witchcraft


4 * Epod. 16. 15f. How to Escape a Doomed Society


5 Carm. 1. 28. 32. A Corruption in the Archytas Ode?


6 * Carm. 3. 2. 1. An Appeal to Friendly Youth


7 •• Carm. 3. 4. 10. The Terrified Nurse


8 • Carm. 3. 6. Its Date and Function


9 •• An Appendix on the Text of Carm. 3. 6 exempli gratia


10 Carm. 3. 14. 11. Bentley Vindicated


11 Carm. 4. 8. 9f. rerum replacing res


12 Carm. 4. 8. A Distorted Ode


13 Carm. 4. 12. The Enigmatic Vergili


14 * •• Carm. 4. 14. 20–24. The Misunderstood prope


15 Carm. 4. 15. 23-32. Trojan Anchises


16 * Saec. 25–29. Prayer versus Fact


17 •• Ep. 1. 1. 78. Greedy Widows?


18 * Ep. 2. 1. 45-46. Syntax to be Simplified


19 Ep. 2. 1. 132–133. The Bard as Mediator


20 •• Ars 65. A Late Recognition of Bentley’s Conjecture


21 Ars 120. Whose Honour?


22 Ars 254. Cruces or Emendation?


23 Ars 351-353. An Ignored Question Mark


References I










1 •• Conjectural Emendation in three Stages:


Diagnosis, Conjecture, Interpretation


2 •• Ennius Ann. 42 Sk. Ilia left alone


3 • Ennius Ann. 220-1 Sk. The Nature of Discordia


4 Ennius Ann. 579 Sk. A Statue for the Conqueror


5 •• Ennius scen. 32 TrRF. The gemitus of Andromacha


6 •• Ennius scen. 130 TrRF. Telephus at Argos


7 •• Ennius Var. 17-18 V. Tears for the Poet


8 Catullus 64. 313. The Spinning Parcae


9 •Catullus 67. In Search of Sense


10 Sallust Cat. 3. 5. Another Deletion?


11 * Sallust Cat. 57. 4. A locus conclamatus


12 •• Liv. 4. 20. Iuppiter feretrius, Livy and Augustus


13 * Hadrian’s Animula vagula. Diagnosis and Interpretation


References II










1 Ecl. 3. 100. A Bull’s Skin and Bones




2 Ecl. 4. 40-63. A Baby’s Smile once more




3 G. 2. 20-22. The Art of Propagation




4 * G. 2. 265-268. The Nursery for Vine Plants


5 A. 1. 377. An Instance of forte at Stake


6 •• A. 3. 147-152. An Epiphany and its Textual Issues


7 A. 9. 463. The Fruitfulness of a Withdrawn Charge




8 •• A. 11. 151-153. Pallas’ Promise to Evander




9 •• Additions and Second Thoughts




References III


Index of Readings Discussed



September 16 2020 2:21